When I first seen my medical oncologist about the chemo he told me if I was doing anything naturally to fight cancer to stop it now. I asked him if I could keep on with my walking program he said no, and we all know we need to move, and we need vitamin C and the best way to get Vitamin C is to get out in the sun for about ten minutes a day.
I asked him if I could take vitamin C he said yes but only one tablets a day. Most vitamin C tablets are 500 mg and to fight cancer with vitamin C you need at least 40,000 mg per day the only way to get this amount is with IV and the oncologist will not order this. You must go to a natural treatment center and your insurance will not pay for this.
Did you know that your oncologist is prohibited by law to offer you anything other than chemo, radiation or surgery if he offers anything other than that he will lose his licenses and will be shunned from all other cancer Doctors?
Chemo drugs are the only drugs that a doctor can resale for a profit. The doctor will buy the drug from the big pharmaceutical representatives for about $10,000 dollars and sell it to you for up to $50,000 dollars a dose.
When I was getting my seven weeks of chemo, I had 8 bags of drugs hanging over me for 6 hours at a time. The bag that had the chemo drug itself was two liters of poison to kill the cancer but at the same time it was killing me if I had to do it one more week, I would be dead. But on the bag of poison it even had the poison symbol on it they don’t try to hide the fact that its poison.
I was so sick all through the treatments from day one if anything could go wrong it did. All my nurses felt so bad for me. There were some days when I went in for treatments, I was so weak I could not stand up or walk I had to be in a wheelchair. Then on days that I could walk in on my own the nurses were so happy to see me walking.
All the nurses and my doctors were awesome, the doctor was doing what he had to do not to get into trouble himself after all he had guidelines from the government and FDA that he had to follow. And the nurses were so good to me I loved them all. When I got done with treatments, I had two nurses that was crying big tears they said that they did not think I was going to make it.
My oncologist told me that it was the extra pounds and my feeding tube that saved my life. He did not say the chemo drugs saved me it was the fact that I was overweight and had the will power to fight.
This stuff that they pump into your body is so toxic it's nothing but poison you cannot touch it with your bare hands if you spill it on the floor they call the hazmat team to clean it up they are not allowed to touch it either and they're putting it in your body saying that it's safe how can it be safe if it tells you right on the label that it's poison in you can't touch it let's get this very clear it is poison it kills everything it touches so why would you want this in your body
and getting off of the chemo and radiation just a little bit so you go to a doctor and he tells you you have cancer the first thing you think about is a second opinion for what good is that no cancer doctor is going to go against anything another cancer doctor says cancer is a money making scheme that the government is also behind 100% the World Health Organization is also in on it because the whole world has to keep up this lie if it got leaked out that would kill it for all of them
there is a doctor that was telling people about a baking soda and molasses regiment that they could try and it has cured a lot of cancers he is not promising that it would cure yours but it has cured thousands of cancers this doctor lost his license he cannot practice medicine anymore an even if someone emails this doctor and ask him a question he's not allowed to answer he's not allowed to reply in any way or else he will go to prison for practicing medicine
y'all cancer is the biggest lie that you were ever told it is nothing but to make money they don't care about finding a cure is too many billions of dollars being made every year off of your life you can cure your own cancer your body made the cancer your body can heal the cancer you just have to do the right things you have to change your lifestyle your eating habits your exercise habits there's a whole host of ways to cure your own cancer the regiment that had took now granted I only took it for two weeks before they insisted that I started chemo and radiation my tumor in my throat from stage four throat cancer was about the size of a golf ball in the two weeks alone it reduced it in size about halfway I wish that the head time then to keep doing it I believe it would have cured the whole cancer
of course I didn't tell my doctor about this because he would have downplayed it he would told me that I was wrong and not to do it anymore but y'all think about this your doctor has never been faced with cancer the only thing that he knows is what he read in his textbooks he is not qualified to give you natural remedies to cure your cancer he is only qualified to tell you about chemo and radiation and surgery that will leave you disfigured and most of the time the ways that the doctor wants to treat your cancer does not work and you die anyway
you owe it to yourself to try a natural remedy even if you try conventional medicines when you first get your cancer if it comes back the second time please try a natural remedy because obviously the conventional medicines did not work for you
and remember there is far more people that dies from cancer treatment then they die from the disease itself I had this tumor in my neck growing for about five years then one day I decided to get it checked it was not bothering me at all but I wanted to get it checked that's when he told me I had stage four throat cancer and I needed to start chemo and radiation right away
chemo and radiation almost killed me there was times I wanted to die I will never go through that again I will try natural remedies which I know works and even if it don't work the quality of life at the promise you with chemo and radiation is not the quality of life I want