
Twenty one years ago, I started my first company -- and I’ve never looked back. I love being the boss of my own life, and teaching others how they, too, can build digital businesses that give them the opportunity to live how they want.
I've come a long way since my first business venture, and I've learned so much in the process. There's one lesson, though, that stands out above all the others.
Put simply, it's this:
Working smarter takes you further
than working harder ever can.
Walter Weyburn
Owner & Founder
At Weyburn Publishing
Author - Publisher - Blogger - Coach
For the ones of you that don’t know me, allow me to tell you some of my background experience. I graduated from three different culinary schools at the top of my class in all three schools. The third school that I went to is where met my wife, I asked her to marry me the next day after we met. It was love at first sight. That was 40 years ago, she is the love of my life. We have two girls and two grandkids. I worked at local restaurants around the Pensacola Florida area as Head Cook and, I managed a few places before getting my own restaurant where I was owner/chef. It had always been my dream to have my own restaurant but due to very bad location, I had to sell it. Looking back selling was a big mistake, but we live and learn. I will have another restaurant one day. If the good lord is willing.
After I sold my restaurant, I started writing short stories for Barnes and Noble and Amazon and I was very successful. But then I got cancer and I had to quit writing until we got my cancer under control, now I am back to writing. I am now cancer-free and the future looks very good for me.
I will spend the rest of my life writing and educating cancer victims and their caregivers on cancer. I am not in any way a medical professional, but I will teach them the things I have learned in my fight with cancer in hopes that what I have learned will make their life with cancer a little easier.
Ever since I was a kid, I felt like God had something that he wanted me to do. And I believe that this is it, only time will tell. And again, thank you for getting this book if I can be of any help you can find me on Facebook at my Facebook group Self-Publishing Tip’s, or you can e-mail me at
I have always tried to be a happy go lucky person but with so many negative people in my life, it has been a struggle. I have always looked happy and together on the outside but on the inside, I have always been a wreck but after my cancer diagnoses thing has changed a lot for me.
I have learned how to turn all the negative stuff off in my life. I feel so happy and blessed now. I never knew the joy that I feel now it’s like I got cancer to straighten out my life and to bring an abundance of joy into my life. God works in ways that we will never understand we just have to trust in his love.
I take great pride in dedicating all of my success to my Dear sweet daughter and my wife. Without them, I don’t know what I would have done to get through my fight with cancer. In my time of fighting cancer, I did nothing at all the only thing I had to do was rest and get better. My wife and daughter would always give me my feedings, my daughter would take care of all the work around the house that I would always do before like cutting the grass and all the yard work. My wife would make sure all my bills were paid and get me back and forth to my doctor appointments. The times that I was so sick that I could not dress myself my wife would help me. My sister would come over all the time to change and clean my feeding tube bandages.
Also, I would like to mention the nursing staff at the MD Anderson Cancer Institute at Sacred Heart Hospital in Pensacola Fl. All of them went way above the call of duty, today we have so many nurses that call themselves nurses just for the paycheck but all the nurses here are awesome.
And to my friends on Facebook that sent money to help me with everyday expenses, I want you all to know I love you and I want to send you all a big heartfelt thank you. You all made this cancer fight worth fighting. I am so lucky to have you all in my life. God Bless you all. Walter